Rated Current4.7 AmpsMoisture Removal9 gallons / 70 Removable Water Tank Capacity1.6 gallons / 6 litersEnergy Star rated24-hour TimerBest ForSpaces between 2500 and 4000 square feet, with room temp from 41°F to 95°F15.4 x 11 x 24.3 in40 lbsAir CFM Range cubic feet per minute165 to 188 (Turbo)
• 50 pints per day dehumidifier uses standard 115V electrical outlet• Manual relative humidity range: 35Percent -85Percent• Featuring convenient, easy-to-use electronic controls• Continuous operation is possible when unit is located near a suitable low-level drain• Auto shut off feature will shut down the unit when bucket is full
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